Carden Couples: Mr and Mrs Frost

This Carden Couple feature, we speak with Mr and Mrs Frost who recently got married in our newly refurbished Shooting Suite. Read about their twist on the traditional favours and why organisation is key!

Name of couple: Jess and Adam

Date of wedding: 19th April 2019

Where did you get married?

Shooting Suite

Carden Couples: Mr and Mrs Frost

Take yourself back to the morning of your wedding, describe how you felt in 3 words

Ecstatic, Prepared, Contented 

What was your reason for choosing Carden Park as your wedding venue?

We looked at several venues and Carden Park offered the best value for money. It offered a late bar and plenty rooms for accommodation as we knew a lot of guests would book one/two nights stay. We have been to Carden Park previously for a work Christmas party so we knew a little bit what we were paying for and what to expect

How many guests did you have at your wedding?

97 in the day, 145 in the evening

What was your go-to inspiration during planning? E.g wedding bloggers, pinterest, magazines, wedding events

Wedding events most certainly gave us the ‘buzz’ feeling

Carden Couples: Mr and Mrs Frost

Did you have a theme for your day? If so, what was it? E.g Colours/vintage/traditional

No theme in particular so traditional I guess

What favours did you give to guests?

We decided to make a donation to two charities in memory of two grandads that had passed away. Each guest received a pin badge representing one of the two charities. They were Alzheimer’s Society and Douglas Macmillan Hospice

What was your first dance song? And was there are special reason for this song?

Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton – Islands in the Stream. We both love this song and wanted to choose a first dance song that everyone would know or has heard of

Carden Couples: Mr and Mrs Frost

Please tell us any surprises and highlights of your wedding day

The groom and his mother in law surprised the bride with a private number plate that reflected her new name. The bride is actively looking to upgrade her car very soon so we thought this would be a nice gesture

If you were to do it all over again, would you do anything differently?

We would not change one thing. Everything went to plan and we had a fantastic day. No improvement needed at all! 

What advice would you give for Carden Couples planning their wedding?

Organisation is key when planning a wedding. Luckily, my wife and I have to be organised in our jobs so this was not as bad as we both thought. We had everything sorted up to two weeks before the event, so when we arrived at Carden Park the night before, we could enjoy every moment with nothing to worry about.

We also hired a professional toastmaster and he was superb, he helped out tremendously throughout the day and aided the hotel staff and professional photographer and kept everything in check so you don’t have to do a thing which is what we both wanted.

Carden Couples: Mr and Mrs Frost


Feeling inspired? Take a look at our beautiful wedding venue for yourself at our next Wedding Open Evening Friday 14th June 5pm – 8pm or get in touch with the team on 01829 731506.


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