Chester Zoo

Chester Zoo has been voted the UK’s number one zoo and it is easy to see why.

Located just 25 minutes from Carden Park as soon as you enter the zoo grounds you will be welcomed by their colourful collection of animals.

@chesterzoo (via Instagram)

At their last annual animal count there were 12,000 wild and wonderful animals from 400 exotic and endangered special, around every corner there is something new to see and fascinating to learn.

During your visit you can stroll around the animal exhibits complete with information on all the species. There is the Realm of the Red Ape, Tsavo Black Rhino reserve and the magnificent Mkomazi painted dogs reserve and many more including the Asian elephant house.

Make sure you visit Islands, the newest exhibition to hit the zoo.

This fantastic new area of Chester Zoo recreates the tropical climate of South East Asia. As you explore you will find some of the world‚„s most fascinating animals, all in their natural habitats.

Plus, you can a ride on the Lazy River Boat Trip, taking you around the six Islands.

Chester Zoo was the subject of the popular drama series, Our Zoo. As part of your trip you can visit Oakfield House, the Victorian manor house which was home to the Mottershead family when the zoo opened in 1931.

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