Introducing Dave Murphy Men’s Captain for 2019

This week we sat down with our men’s Golf Captain Dave Murphy ahead of the golfing season to find out a few fun facts…

So Dave, how did you get into golf and when did you start playing golf?

That’s a good question. I can recall the “where”, but the “when” is bit more vague, so let’s go with “About 40 years ago” I was working in Widnes and was invited by a work colleague to join the 5.00 a.m group from the factory on the first tee at St Mike’s Municipal Golf Course. Golf at the “muni” was a contest between you, the kids and the chemicals as to who got to your ball first, but I was quickly hooked. Golf in those days was a fairly exclusive domain and definitely required an official handicap beyond municipal excursions and my first encounter with “real” golf was at Carden Park, 20 plus years ago and my first handicap was awarded by our very own Dave Cooper at a rather uncharacteristically generous 23, rapidly cut as I learned the new meaning of the word “bandit”.

With plenty of golfers to choose from, who is your favourite? Do you take inspiration from anybody?

Another good question and I’m not altogether sure inspiration plays a role in my game, but that aside, Justin Rose has always seemed to me to be a “what you see is what you get” sort of golfer.

What is your most memorable moment during a game? 

That’s difficult – but at the risk of seeming to have a very short memory, winning the Belgrave Trophy last year has to be up there, although I would openly admit there were definitely matches were my opponent lost rather than I won – self-inflicted defeat seems to be a feature of most levels of golf and one very familiar to me also.

What is your favourite hole to play at Carden Park?

Finally an easy question – for me, the 17th – an absolute delight and so rewarding when it goes well, but over quickly when it doesn’t.

Tell us about the chosen membership charity this year and is there a particular reason you chose this charity?

Claire House happens (by complete coincidence) to be the charity adopted by Carden Park also this year and Deb Fell, our Lady Captain, and I are hoping the combined efforts will swell their funds matching the magnificently generous efforts of the preceding years. As to why, the work and the support the Charity has given to young people dealing with such serious problems and the respite and help they provide to the families involved has really impressed us.

And finally, do you have any tips for the perfect game?

Technically, no, but in my opinion, at my level, golf is first and foremost a game, so when you can, play with friends.  The best games go to the 18th and often finish drawn which leaves all parties satisfied and ready for the liquid 19th and the reflections of putts missed and “if only” moments. Whatever the outcome, try to never leave the course in a worse place than you entered it, there are a lot of folk who’d give their all to swap with you – we are a very privileged few and we have two beautiful courses to enjoy.

Introducing Dave Murphy – Men’s Captain for 2019

Find out more about our golf memberships at our membership page or call the team on 01829 731600.


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