Top 10 reasons to keep your desk tidy at work

At Carden Park we have put together some tips to make your life a little sweeter, five minutes at a time. Think of it as a cheat sheet for your general well-being.

If you have had a look around the office today you may have noticed your follow colleagues desks looking a bit more organised today. Chances are they could be taking part in National Clean Off Your Desk Day a day to prioritise your desk first. Here are some simple tips to keep your desk and work space tidy.

  1. Find a home for your smaller supplies. A simple pot for all your pens, paper clips, keeps them neat and easy to access.
  2. Stay organised with a three tier tray – Have a paper tray and label the top tier ‘Important,’ the middle section ‘To File,’ and the last one ‘To Read.’ This is an easy way to organise your mail and files.
  3. Clean your desk at end of the day. Spending two minutes before you go home will help you start the following morning feeling fresh and ready to take on the day’s challenges.
  4. Minimise incoming paper. Think twice before printing your emails. If you don’t need it in hard copy, then stop it from cluttering up your desk
  5. Scan it. If you have notes on a piece of paper or post it, scan it and send it to your email. You will know your notes are safe and you can throw the paper in the recycling.
  6. Use your phone. Take a photo of your post it notes on your phone. You are more likely to have your phone to hand, giving you easy access to the notes no matter where you are.
  7. Throw away the rubbish. Shred any sensitive documents, recycle paper before you leave each evening.
  8. Wipe down all surfaces – Even if you think the things at your desk are pretty clean, it doesn’t hurt to give everything a once over. Clean your computer screen, dust all of the surfaces, and use a disinfecting wipe to kill all the bugs.
  9. Eat away from your desk. It’s great to get away from the computer and also saves unwanted crumbs from finding their way into your keyboard.
  10. Throw away your pens – Why do you need so many pens? Throw them all out except for two. If it doesn’t have a cap, bin it.

Get ready for a fantastic 2017, clear your desk and book your next meeting dates from £39.00 per delegate. For more information click here


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